Fast forward to our return trip to the States. I was home. But, I wasn't. And, I knew that I would never feel home again until I reached heaven. But, then that left me with the question, "What do I do until then?" Our hearts had become so strongly tied to the peoples of South Asia, we at first thought maybe He wanted us to serve there long term. Though an overwhelming thought, we knew God was asking us to be willing, willing to do whatever He wanted us to do and to go wherever He wanted us to go. So we walked toward that door. And, then, He closed it. "Now what?" we thought. He soon revealed that His plan is the same, wherever we are. He began to put people and opportunities in front of us, and we took one step at a time. We aren't always sure what He has for our future. But, we just keep taking one more step, then another, then another. Those steps have led us to return to South Asia. Shaun has gone to Haiti and Central Asia. And, I have traveled to Japan and West Africa. Whether here or there, our God is the same God.
While here, we look to see where He is working, and then we join Him. Umm.....As much as I want that to be the truth, it's not. Sometimes we join Him, but sometimes we don't. And, that's why we ask Him to continue to change our hearts. A few months back, I listened to a David Platt podcast where he made the statement, "We need God to deliver us from natural affections to supernatural affections." And, that has become my prayer. "Lord, change the desires of my heart. Make them yours." Our natural affections turn us toward ourselves--possessions, position, power, pride, control. You can complete that list. However, supernatural affections--HIS affections, turn our hearts toward others--the poor, the hurting, the lonely. The enslaved, the tormented, the tortured. The orphan and the widow. And, so now I am haunted by images straight from the heart of God. These images are heartbreaking. But, then I see God in them. And, I see Him making all things beautiful. And, as difficult as this journey may be, I want to take it. Because I know that at the end of it all, God is there. And, the victory is His.
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